Exploring the local abandoned mansion to look for candy was not the best decision you made today. The Grim Reaper caught you, but decided he would let the player with the most candy points leave the mansion alive! Who will escape the wrath of Death himself?
Minecraft Java: 1.11
Play in this version of Minecraft only. Playing the map in other versions of Minecraft can/will result in bugs.
1+ Players
This map is designed for singleplayer or multiplayer. This map is more entertaining with more players.
Command Blocks: On
In order for this map to work correctly, you must have command blocks turned on in your server settings!
Due to peer pressure (a truly terrible thing btw), you and your friends wind up deep inside a haunted mansion. Things were going splendid until Death himself caught you. But what fun would it be to keep everyone trapped inside forever? Death decided to let the person who could find the most candy escape. The rest would remain locked inside for eternity.
In this horror game, players explore an abandoned mansion looking for candy in glowing lootboxes. Some are rigged with jumpscares, so watch your step! Depending on your luck, you may find rare candy (worth more points) or common candy. The player with the most candy when time runs out wins (and gets to flee)!
Note: There is a resource pack that is highly recommended linked below. The map is a Horror/Game map, meaning that it is a combination of both. The map contains mild jumpscares, unnerving ambient music, sudden noises and effects, and more. Also, the game shows five options for "Box Frequency" in the lobby. The option "Common" spawns 50 boxes around the map. Each is essentially 10 less than the prior option with Rare only spawning 10.
Play in Minecraft 1.11 with any number of players!
Special Thanks
I'd like to thank Onnowhere for his assistance with fixing a strange chest-related bug and Kevin Macleod for the ambient music used in the mansion.

Author & Project Lead/Code

Scythe Model

Mansion Build

Jumpscare Audio