Nothing says "I love you" like slapping your best friend across the face with a stick, sending them sprawling into a spiky cactus. In this slap-filled minigame, players use knockback sticks to poke the other players into cacti around the arena. Last player standing wins!
Minecraft Java: 1.8.8
Play in this version of Minecraft only. Playing the map in other versions of Minecraft can/will result in bugs.
2+ Players
This map is designed for multiplayer and does not support singleplayer. The map plays better with more people.
Command Blocks: On
In order for this map to work correctly, you must have command blocks turned on in your server settings!
Based on the silly minigmame invented during Mianite Season 1 (by OMGItsFirefox & SynHD), cactice is a game that is all about flinging the other players into a wall of spiky cacti. The last player standing that didn't succumb to cactus juice injections is the victor!
Play in Minecraft 1.8.8 with any number of players! The map can be played in singleplayer or multiplayer.

Author & Project Lead/Code