Other/Misc Questions

Other questions I get that aren't related to what I do.

Overwatch, Fall Guys, Slime Rancher, GTAV Online, MarioKart, Pokemon (Sword/Shield, Black & White), Pokemon Go, Brawl Stars, Pokemon Masters, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, & more.

My family owns a Wii, which I played with my brothers when I was younger. I used to own a Nintendo DS and 3DS, both are quite old. I do currently own a Nintendo Switch.

Hard to say. In Overwatch, I'm a mid-plat ranked support main. I did place in mid-Diamond in open queue based on my placements, so I like to use that to prove I'm a good player! :)

I've tried out games like Valorant that demand high aim proficiency and I find myself usually the second or third top fragger on the team. I'm nothing special, but still a good shot though.

Yes I am! I certified with SDI in mid July of 2021, and I'll be investing in the rest of the equipment soon! This has all been made possible by your support!

Not tall enough. I'm shy of 6 foot, but both of my brothers are taller. My sibling rivalry is a sibling war over my height... I mean, the big brother is actually the shortest brother?!

Every single time I drive on the highway. No joke. I'm terrified of people man.

An actual story I remember was a time my family went to the beach. I was swimming in the water and I saw a really cool looking fish with a frill look to it, almost like a butterfly. I tried to grab it, but it vanished. I then noticed another fish, which looked like a rock. This fish also vanished when I tried to grab it. Both (lionfish and stonefish) were poisonous fish that could have killed me in less than five minutes...

Still have a question?

Shoot me a message @NeoMcCreations on Twitter, reach out on Discord,
or shoot me an email to my business email.