Do you consider yourself a parkour master?! Let's find out! In Chunk Runner, a parkour course assembles in front of you as time progresses, but be warned! Only 16 blocks (a chunk) of the course will be present at any one moment, with the end falling away. Can you keep up with the pace and the difficulty?!
Minecraft Marketplace
This map is only available for purchase via the Minecraft Marketplace. You cannot obtain this map elsewhere.
1+ Players
This map contains modes for singleplayer and multiplayer. The map is more entertaining with more people.
660 Minecoins
This map is for sale for the current price of 660 Minecoins (~ 4 USD). No sales are currently active.
In Chunk Runner, your goal is to survive for as long as you can on a parkour course that "infinitely" continues! As each additional piece of the course is placed, a piece from the back of the course vanishes into the void. How long can you compete under the pressure?
As you play you will earn tickets, which can be used to unlock kits to spice up your gameplay and help you out of a tight spot! With over 250+ parkour levels spanning three difficulties, there is content for everyone on all devices! There are also five different speed settings available, allowing you to speed up the course if you even think of saying "ez" in chat!
Four game modes & roadmaps
- Quick Play - Pick your custom settings and hop right in!
- Random Rampage - Select your tunnel, then try to survive as the game randomly alters the speed and difficulty!
- Earthquake - Random tremors are happening across the course! Will the constant shaking be your end?
- Total Chaos - A normal mode, except all kit cooldowns are reduced by 50%!
Tunnels and kits
- Tunnels - Once you clear the Overworld roadmap, you will unlock access to the other roadmaps. Clearing all the levels in a roadmap will unlock the corresponding tunnel. Tunnels change the scenery around the parkour you are currently attempting to something different, such as an underwater coral reef or a solar system of stars.
- Kits - There are 16 kits in total, with 15 to unlock using tickets. Kits come with an ability that can help you get out of a bad situation! Tickets are awarded for clearing roadmaps and scoring high in regular modes!
260 parkours to complete
- Between the members of my team, we created a grand total of 260 parkour courses to play on. Most are parkour, but a small handful might be considered puzzles or challenges. We designed them with console players in mind, and we recommend playing on the "Not Hard" difficulty. We also themed plenty of them to fit the roadmaps.
Custom speed and difficulty settings
- Speed - You can alter the speed the course moves along. If you are new to the game, 1x speed moves along once every two seconds. If you feel confident, 5x speed will move you along twice per second!
- Difficulty - All parkours are classified as Easy, Medium, or Hard. Easy and Medium maps are built for the console audience and for those who are less comfortable with parkour. Hard maps are designed for skilled PC players (or daring console players) that should be quite difficult.
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Special Thanks
A huge thanks to Jannix1x, a fellow Marketplace creator who designed a particle engine called "Snowstorm" which was used to generate all the custom particle effects used in this map. A massive thanks also goes out to Fetxu of Piki Studios for assisting in writing a base behavior pack which was used for the kit "punch toggle" and for the custom spectate mode.

Author & Project Lead/Code

Lead Builder
Parkour Levels

Terraforming, Decor & Detail
Parkour Levels
Roadmap Builds

Just Med
Parkour Levels